Saturday was Pinkerbelle’s 7th birthday. In the past, I have always done home parties. They were nothing fancy. Cupcakes, balloons, goodie bags, and an inflatable pool in the backyard is the norm.
I am not a “party girl”. I want and like to celebrate my kids’ birthdays, but going all-out is exhausting to me. I always thought I was saving money by not doing a party at Build-a-Bear or similar, but increasingly every year I realized that I spend more than I thought and put in way more effort than it appeared on these home parties.
This year, I booked her party at our community recreation center. For $90, we got a party room, cake and beverage, all paper goods, goodie bags, a t-shirt for the birthday girl, and swimming, for up to 10 people (including adults). All we did was show up.
First, we went to the party room. This was about as exciting as it got. (Out of 6 invited guests, 4 attended. Including family and 2 parents, we had exactly 10.)
This was Bree, our party coordinator. This is about as excited as she got.
Here’s P. with one of her gifts. This is about as excited as she got. Does anybody else have this problem with their children? Gosh, I thought I taught you to smile, say “thank you!” and “wow! that looks cool!”.
Okay, so the party room was kind of lame, but they had a lot of fun in the pool. I’m still glad I did it—it was much easier for me, and she was happy with it. Will I do it again? Dunno.
Craig and Skippy went to Boyscout Camp right from the party, so we had our family celebration last night.
There, those are genuine smiles. Guess where I got the jewelry box and the giant stuffed pony? (Hint: think Thrift Store Thursday.) She also got a ladybug watch from us, and a couple little things from her brothers, plus $ from grandparents, so even though I spent under $10 on gifts, she did all right.
Here’s the cake. I told you I don’t do fancy. I bought strawberry marshmallows and snipped them to make flowers.
But you know what? I think my daughter will have good memories of her 7th birthday, and that’s what counts.