It seems to happen every year. There's at least one Design Star episode that has such phenomenal failures that it makes you wonder if it was a set-up. Last year it was the Trump Tower mess. At least The Donald could afford to redo the apartments.
This year the designers each had a room/rooms to redo in a home a large single family home. The family had recently moved in, so while it had the previous owners' paint colors, it was basically a blank slate.
The two most glaring bombs were the children's rooms.
Leslie was given 2 yr old Kyan's room. His parents said he loves to perform and turn lights on and off. Leslie decided to go with a theater theme.
Perhaps the home owners chose the brownish-eggplant color of the carpet, because it's also in the other boy's room. However it got there, I personally don't care for Leslie's choice of paint colors with that carpet, but maybe it looks better in person. Also notice how the letters of Kyan's name are hung unevenly. Nope, it's not an optical illusion.
Below is the stage area that Leslie created. The curtains hang on a hula-hoop. Not a bad DIY idea, but not great for someone who's a professional. I'm also not sure how well it's going to hold up to a two year old.
Overall, the room just looked like a mess, cluttered and kind of disjointed.
Kellie got Mason's room. Mason is about 6 years old, and had two requests: bunk beds, and lockers.
Later, Kellie remarked that Mason wanted a "sports room, her worst nightmare" (Mason didn't actually say "sports" unless it was off camera). She decided to go with a non-literal interpretation of that.
For some unfathomable reason, she really didn't want bunk beds. Instead, she had her carpenter make a mini-loft bed. Honestly, I think even I could have screwed together some two-by-fours in this manner. Not only was the bed not what he wanted, it wasn't even particularly nice.
It had a teeny-tiny play area underneath. Kellie told Mason it was a "hidey-hole". I'm not sure even a six year old could sit up underneath there.
She also was not on board with the request for lockers, and this is how she interpreted the idea:
some crates from Pottery Barn mounted on the wall with hooks underneath for "his jersey or whatever". Now, you know that I like PB, but it seems like kind of an unimaginative place for
a designer to shop, since they have access to all kinds places the general public doesn't. Not to mention all the cool non-chain stores in NYC at her disposal.
Up until this point, I have liked Kellie for the most part, but I really was dismayed with her this week. Not only did she blatantly ignore her client's requests, she actually seemed disdainful of his desires. She herself is the mother of boys, and I would have expected her to be more in tune with this little boy. You could tell that he was disappointed at the reveal.
One more comment about this season of Design Star...
I find Tanika Ray's manner of speaking very annoying. It's totally overdone and unnatural, like a bad actress.
Bring Back Clive!!