Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DIY Cake Plate

It’s DIY day at Kimba’s! So much creativity over there…check it out (when you’re done here, of course!).

Over the past year of thrifting I have amassed quite a collection of glassware.IMG_4074

Okay, wow. I didn’t realize I had that much. I have collected plates, cheese domes, and candle sticks for making mini cake plates. I grab the jars when I see them cheap for filling with decorative items. But what if I mixed it up a bit?

How about small round jars on the candlesticks?


How about matching jars at different heights for DIY apothecary jars? Ooohh, I really like this one! (My countertop doesn’t make the best backdrop, but it’s almost midnight and I’m not going to do it over now. Sorry.)


Today, though, I’m going to make a cake plate. For these projects, the best candlesticks have a decent flat surface area at the top edge so the glue has good contact. Also, it’s good to have a pretty wide base, especially for the tall ones.


A couple of months ago, I found this scallop-edged plate. I’m trying something new this time and using a dry-erase marker to mark the center of the plate (it will wipe right off).


Apply E-6000 glue to the top edge of your chosen candlestick and center the plate on top. I didn’t get a good picture of that—sorry again.

Allow it to dry, and set your cheese dome on top. How cute is that?!


For Skippy’s birthday I had several of these in varying heights with two or three cupcakes each, grouped as a center piece on the table. I didn’t get a photo of that either, but it was so stinkin’ cute!

They can also be used to display seasonal arrangements, decor, or other little treasures. It’s inexpensive (I usually pay between $.50-$2 per component), and so very easy. Give it a try!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kmart? Really?

When I was growing up in Michigan and Ontario, Kmart was the only discount department store. We didn’t have Walmart or Target. In fact, I have fond memories of going to Kmart with my grandparents and getting a frozen Coke.

These days, though, I rarely go to Kmart. The stores just aren’t very nice, at least the ones by me. But Saturday we were in a different part of town and I ran in to look at shoes. I needed a ballet flat or something before church in the morning since it was time to put the sandals away.


You know, they had some cute shoes! They were also having a buy one/get one 50% off sale. The black flats and the cheetah print were on sale for $9.99, so I got those two pairs for $15. The orange and green ones were on clearance, which was take an additional 50% off, and still qualified for the BOGO. The first pair was $3.50, the second $1.75!

I’m not a big shoe person; I usually buy black or brown that will go with everything and don’t get much in the way of “cute”. So for me, these are fun and will spice up my wardrobe a little bit. Plus, I got all four pairs for just over $20!

Kmart! Who knew?

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog-iversary Giveaway!

It’s finally here, the day we’ve all been waiting for! In honor of my one year of blogging, I’m having a giveaway. Since you all know how much I love thrift stores, I decided to do some thrifting just for you. The giveaway items all came from thrift stores, are all things I would have purchased for myself, and with just 2 exceptions, were all chosen specifically for the giveaway.

Without further ado, I now reveal the fabulous prize package! Oh gosh, now I’m nervous! Maybe you won’t think it’s as cool as I do.


First, a chalkboard/bulletin board…you choose (more info here), and vinyl wall decals in a leafy vine pattern. IMG_4021 Approximate retail value (ARV) of chalkboard $10, my cost (MC) $1.50. Vinyl decals ARV $12, MC $2.99.

Next, a milkglass planter and a place setting of sliverplate flatware.IMG_4016 The flatware is the Ambassador pattern by 1847 Rogers Bros. original manufacture date 1919. ARV for the set $23, MC $1.15.

Milkglass is the teardrop pattern by Indiana Glass. ARV unknown ($5?), MC $.99.

Imagine the milkglass holding pencils at your desk, or with succulents planted in it. Use the silverware on a kitchen Christmas tree or display them in a shadow box.

Now we have a linen-ish lined basket and a Halloween dishtowel. (Psst...if you are somebody who doesn't do Halloween, today I found a winter-themed dishtowel at Goodwill that I will, at your option, give you instead if you are the winner!)IMG_4014I bought an almost identical, but larger, basket recently at Homegoods; I’m guessing the ARV at $4, MC $2. Towel ARV $3, MC $.50.

And lastly, a small silverplate compote, and the top of a milkglass hen-on-a-basket.IMG_4020 Compote is marked “Wallingford Silver, Silver Plate, 598” but I can’t find any info about it. I’m not going to guess the ARV on these items, but MC was $1.29 for the compote and $.75 for the hen.

Think of the compote displaying small items like Scrabble tiles, marbles, or Christmas ornaments. I have an identical hen, which is a cute addition to a display of white dishes, or I’ve even had mine under a cheese dome “cloche” on a nest of craft moss.

Oh, boy. The best laid plans...I was going to use MckLinky just as a list keeper to keep track of the entries, but it's turned out to be too complicated because of the necessity of unique URLs. So, we're just going to go the regular comment route (I'll fix the entries I already have).

You will get one entry for commenting, an extra entry if you are a follower, and one if you blog about my giveaway.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

Giveaway will end at 11:59 pm October 1, with the winner being announced next Friday, Oct. 2. Good luck!

I'm joining Julia's Hooked on Friday party because I'm hooked on thrift stores and giveaways.
Joining Melissa's Beautiful Life because I want to share these little goodies to help make your home more beautiful!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thrift Store Thursday—9/24

Be sure to come back tomorrow for my giveaway package of thrift store treasures!

Sorry I’m late with TST today…no excuses. However, I do have something I want to discuss with you. I’ve been debating with myself over the future of TST.

I enjoy showing off my finds, and seeing yours. I also know that I’m not going to stop going to thrift stores. But, I would like to try to move away from buying, and more toward doing something with what I already have, or at least buying with a purpose in mind. Whether or not that actually comes to fruition, we shall see…

My idea for right now is to make TST a monthly event. I’ll go with the first Thursday of the month, which means I’ll have one next week, Oct. 1, and then the next official TST will be Nov. 5.

I’m not promising that I won’t have any thrift store purchases to show you in between, but for me TST will be sort of a highlight reel. I’ll put a MckLinky up, and if you want to join me, that will be great. In the mean time, there are quite a few other thrifty show-off parties around blogland, so I’m certainly not leaving a void.

Now for this week: Dixie and I did some running around last Friday, and here’s what I got.

IMG_3997 At Goodwill, this fabulous Gap down coat for Pinkerbelle was only $4. I think Dixie may have really wanted it, but graciously allowed me to have it.

IMG_4000At St. Vincent de Paul, there was a shelf of half-off items, and I got this apothecary jar for $2.50, and the small platter for $1.50. The platter is marked Shenango China by Interpace. I did a little sleuthing; Shenango apparently made diner china, and was acquired by Interpace in 1968. I can’t find any information about this specific platter, but it will look nice as part of my white collection.

1. Please link directly to your Thrift Store Thursday post, not your home page.

2. Please mention and link back to my Thrift Store Thursday post.

3. Please put my button in your post, and I'd really love it if you'd use the code to do so :)

Since I got a late start today, I’ll leave MckLinky open until 11:59 Friday night. I am going to enforce the rules this time, and delete any posts that don’t link back to me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mini Chalkboard Makeover

Last week I headed to the thrift store with one goal in mind: to find a frame suitable for making a small chalkboard. When I got there, I was happy to find that all frames were 50% off that day!

Then I found this in the frame bin:

IMG_3990 It was the right size (about 12”x18”) and already had a little tray perfect for holding chalk. At the sale price, it was only about $1.50. I figured I’d just remove the battered corkboard and replace it.

When I got it home and took it apart, I realized that the thin white board that backed the cork would work very well for painting with chalkboard paint.


Now I needed to use the cork as the backing to keep it thick enough for the cleats on the back to hold it in. So, I decided to make it dual purpose, and covered the cork with burlap.


Now you can decide which side you want facing forward. Yes, you! Well, if you win my giveaway, that is. This is one of the items in the prize package!

I’m going to reveal the whole package and start the giveaway on Friday, so be sure to come back!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Archived Post: Family Outing

Here is a post from one year ago today, my second post ever on this blog.  Since pretty much nobody read it back then, I’m re-running it.

Don’t forget about my anniversary giveaway!  All will be revealed later this week, but for now, here’s another tiny peek at some of the prize package.IMG_3992

From September 21, 2008

053 (5)

Yesterday we went apple picking, a very fall-ish thing to do. Never mind that fall completely blindsided me one day last week with an overnight 30 degree drop in temperature. Summer slips by more quickly every year. I like fall, but what it really means is that winter is right around the corner. I'm a glass-half-empty kind of gal.

Anyway, back to the story. After the apple picking, which was fun, we took a little drive into the surrounding countryside. And we came upon a farm, way up on a hill, that had set itself up as a kind of a pumpkin patch/Halloween fun town. We drove halfway up the hill and parked on the grass with the three other cars. The children were bouncy with excitement. But wait, Daddy wants to get the picture that I want for my blog (see above). He gets out the tripod and sets up the camera. Stand over there. No, sit down. No, move over a tad so there's a little bit of tree in the picture. Great! Okay, hold that while I run and get into the picture. Repeat entire sequence four or five times.

The kids did pretty well. Not too many complaints and no candy bribes needed. The two youngest start charging the rest of the way up the hill to fall funland. We rein them in and approach the ticket booth together. Two teenage girls man the booth and greet us pleasantly. The tell us there is a haunted house, a maze or something, some playground stuff, and pumpkin painting, but you have to buy the pumpkin. It all looks very charming, and like they've put a lot of work into it.

So, how much is admission? Kids are $10, adults $7. Wait, kids are $10 each? Handsome and I do some quick mental math and look at each other. Forty-four dollars? Nearly $50 for pumpkin painting, and we have to pay extra for the pumpkin? I don't think so. We apologize to the teens, and head back down to the van. After pausing in disbelief, Pinkerbelle throws back her head and lets out a shriek which rings out from the hilltop. Tears squirt from her eyes. Skippy balls up his fists and stomps ahead to the van, lips trembling and eyes watering. Firstborn, who is almost too old for this kind of thing, uncharacteristically spares us the theatrics, but is a little disappointed nonetheless.

Hey, it's all about making memories, right? Good thing we took the photo first!

Pinkerbelle, before the fiasco

Friday, September 18, 2009

Heirloom Party

Today is the day of Marie’s Heirloom Party!

I am severely underdressed for this party.  I can’t find several of the photos I wanted to use and the ones I do have, quite frankly, stink big time.  Hold your nose.


This dresser belonged to one of my maternal great-grandmothers.  My mom had it all my growing up years; in fact, she and my dad shared it.  Then, because I was using it at the time of my marriage, it came along with me when I moved out. 

It has a mirror, which is currently in our basement.  This is the only picture I could find of it.


This is a photo of a photo from our first apartment.  See the mess?  Of course you do.  I have always had a problem with flat surfaces, and in order to take the top photo, I basically had to just run my arm across the dresser-top and sweep a similar mess into a box.

What I really wanted to show was a picture of my mom on her wedding day.  The picture is black and white, it’s 1958, and she had just turned 17 three weeks previously.  She is standing in front of the dresser looking into the mirror and brushing her hair.  The photo is taken from behind her, so it catches the back of her dress, and her reflection.  On the dresser is a framed photo of my dad.

On my wedding day, we recreated the photo (although hers was professional and mine was just a snapshot).  I’m looking into the mirror, fastening an earring in a similar pose as she.  The picture described above is in a frame on top.  My mom passed away in 1987, four years before my wedding, but in this way I shared my day with her.

I do not know the monetary value of my dresser, but as with many heirlooms, the real value is sentimental.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thrift Store Thursday—9/17

I made another stop at the consignment store outlet this week; this time I found a pair of Gap jeans, $1, and an American Girl craft book, $.25.


At the Salvation Army, a small white platter, $1.29, and 4 clear glass plates, 4/$1.49.  I keep the clear plates on hand for making mini cake plates.


At Goodwill, a Crate and Barrel platter, $1.  This currently sells on the website for $26.95.


At United Volunteers 25% off day, a book for the kids, $.30.  I bought it because of the Boston terrier; we have two of them.


Also, this pack of children’s playing cards (on the right), $.30.  The pack on the left was given to me when my little brother was born thirty-cough-cough years ago.  Same box, same pattern on the reverse side; I’m assuming these are from the same era, although they look like they’ve never been used.

Notice the suits:  hearts, diamonds, stars, and anchors.


And lastly, again from UV, what I believe has turned out to be my favorite purchase this week—a hobnail milkglass planter, $.75.


If I added correctly, that’s $6.38 for the week.

Of course, I didn’t show you everything I got, because I also shopped for the giveaway!  Keeping you in suspense!

Time to link up! Mcklinky will close Thursday at 11:59 pm.

1. Please link directly to your Thrift Store Thursday post, not your home page.

2. Please mention and link back to my Thrift Store Thursday post.

3. Please put my button in your post, and I'd really love it if you'd use the code to do so :)


Join the Party!

I just got an email from Marie at Emma Calls Me Mama, and she is hosting an Heirloom Party on Friday. I’m already thinking of the things I will post about. Why don’t you join too? (If you would like to use her button, please get the code from her blog.)

Here’s how she explained it in the email:

Go get your camera and take photos of treasures that have been handed down to you by family members or friends that have special meaning to you. It can be anything! Maybe you have a neat story to go with it. If you don't have an heirloom, maybe you have a newer piece of jewelry that a loved one has given you that you plan on passing along one day - that counts too!”

This should be fun! As you know, I like to find treasures at thrift stores, but it’s oh-so-much-more interesting when there’s a story behind it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I’ve made a decision about the giveaway!  I’m going to find things at thrift stores, items that I would get for myself, except these will be for you!  It’s possible that some of them may come from my thrifted stash here at home.  I’m thinking that there will be several items in the prize package.  More info on the hows and whats of the giveaway to come. 

For now, here is a peek at something that I found today, specifically for the giveaway.

IMG_3960 This little silverplate compote is similar to the one I found back in the spring.  It’s a nice place to display small decorative items, or maybe guest soap in the powder room.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Update and Milestones

I’ve left you all hanging on the Daisy saga. She has not come home yet, but has been sighted a few times, so we know she’s still out there. Craig is doing his best to catch her; he borrowed a cat trap from our humane society, and did catch a cat, but it wasn’t Daisy. He has even been keeping a little blog about the adventure. He’s had people comment and tell him how his love and dedication for his cat shows, but, as he told me, it’s not the cat but his kids that he loves. He wants them to know that he’s done everything possible.

On to the milestones…I noticed this morning that I have reached 200 followers! If you are one of them, thank you so much! It’s fun to work on this blog, and I appreciate so much your interest and comments.


Also, unbelievably, this week is my one year blog-iversary! I feel a giveaway coming on, but I don’t know what yet. I want it to be good, so I’m going to have to put some thought into it. Stay tuned!

Friday, September 11, 2009

“Goodwill” May Be a Misnomer

For a while now I have been meaning to take my camera to Goodwill to document some of the madness. Today I finally remembered, so of course there wasn’t a whole lot worth showing. There were a couple of doozies, though, and maybe I’ll make this a semi-regular feature when I see something worthy of ridicule.


This set of dishes has been at my GW for months. Months, I tell you! Why? Because each dinner plate is $9, each salad plate, saucer, and cup is $6 each. IMG_3947

To be fair, it is Limoges china (pattern China Poppy), and perhaps the prices are not out of line if you were to buy it from an antique store. But this is a thrift store, and even retail stores lower the prices on items that haven’t sold in a reasonable amount of time.

This next one will really get your goat.


This pair of prints looks like it came out of a dentist office that was remodeling and updating. They are a good size, probably at least 3 ft tall. The one on the right has cracked glass. How much, you ask? Wait for it……


Yup, that’s $150. Each! There are no words.

The next item is a good one (no, really). This dresser--or is it a buffet?--came from a high-end furniture store that went out of business a couple of years ago after 150 years in this city. It is solid wood.


The price on it was $60, but today all furniture was 50% off. If I had a place for it, and was industrious, I would seriously consider it. If you can’t see the potential, check out the mad skillz of Holly at Life in the Fun Lane. Be sure to look around; she redoes a lot of furniture pieces to sell, and has an adorable daughter named Wren.