I would check craigslist occasionally, just to see what was available, and last week I found this window. It is about 42" square, and the seller only wanted $20 for it. The perfect solution! So now it is hanging in that window, and I think it adds a lot of character.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Window Mystery Revealed
Remember my craigslist window? I know you have been waiting with bated breath to see what I would do with it. Well, the wait is over. Today Handsome was able to hang it for me. In my almost-two-story stairwell, there is a big, plain, square window. Privacy is not an issue with this window; it just looks out to the side of the neighbor's garage. I wasn't sure what to do with it, as it doesn't really lend itself to a traditional fabric window treatment. I thought about hanging an old stained glass or leaded glass window in it, but this window is about 46" square, and anything that big (though there was very little available) was very expensive.
I would check craigslist occasionally, just to see what was available, and last week I found this window. It is about 42" square, and the seller only wanted $20 for it. The perfect solution! So now it is hanging in that window, and I think it adds a lot of character.
Firstborn has no appreciation, in fact a dislike really, of anything 'old'. He is offended that he will have to look at this every time he comes down the stairs. But Handsome and I really like it.
See where it looks like the neighbor's siding has melted? That's old, wavy glass. Cool.
Here's a shot to give a better look at the height of the stairwell. The walls will eventually be painted; we just haven't got around to that yet (and by 'we' I mean Handsome). What do you think--does it need some kind of fabric treatment, and if so, what would you do?
I would check craigslist occasionally, just to see what was available, and last week I found this window. It is about 42" square, and the seller only wanted $20 for it. The perfect solution! So now it is hanging in that window, and I think it adds a lot of character.
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That window would not be more perfect. The old window fits inside the other window perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing. I love it!
It looks like it was meant to go there. I love it! My boys always like to express their opinions about me decor too. What do they know, right?
I'd just do a pretty berry branch above it.
It looks perfect there - what a find!
At the risk of sounding dull...is the (new) window framing black, or white? In the view of the neighbors garage "melting" (lol) it appears black, but in all the other pics it looks white....am I losing it, or what?!!
Thanks, great lucky find!! I LOOOOVE THOSE! And yes, I am a near compulsive "Craigslister"! (Considering therapy)
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