Thursday, January 1, 2009

Starting Fresh

I've never been one to formally make New Year's resolutions, but there is something about a fresh new year that feels like starting with a clean slate. Maybe this year I can be different, do better!

Every January I usually make a renewed attempt at daily Bible reading. I've tried many different plans, and I have several different read-the-Bible-in-a-year Bibles. I've tried chronological. I've tried the kind that has you reading a little old testament, a little new testament, and some Psalms and Proverbs each day; I don't care for that method. It's too flighty for me. The bigger problem is, they all still start in Genesis.

So every January I start reading Genesis. Again. If I'm doing really well, I might make it 5 or 6 weeks before getting bogged down and petering out.


This year I'm going to try something a little different. I'm going to start in the New Testament. And I think I'll just focus on the New Testament this year, as far as my reading plan goes.

A Google search revealed that One Year New Testament plans are harder to come by, but I found a few. Specifically I was looking for a chronological version. Here are the three I bookmarked:
I also found a copy of My Utmost for His Highest (updated in today's language) at a thrift store recently. I think I'll give that a go, too. Perhaps I'll update on my progress from time to time to help give me a little accountability.

Care to join me?


Dawn said...

Here is a direct quote from a friends blog about what she is going to be studying. "I will read daily from my "Daily Walk" bible. I did this a few years back and loved it. Time to do it again! I'm showing you the NIV but mine is the New Living Translation which was very readable. Made it a lot easier to get through. I did get my NIV out on occasion to compare translations, though. The best part about this one was the overview it offers before you read. If your mind gets muddled in the text, you will still have the main idea from their outline and insight."

I'm going to do better about reading the Bible and doing some devotions. I may even be able to get back in to a Bible study this year.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Sounds like a great idea. I am trying to memorize 2 verses (mininum at least) a month. Beth Moore gave the challenge on her blog. I definatly need to be memorizing and reading much more!

Amy@ MomsToolbox said...

How are you coming along? Even if you've stopped, you could always pick right back up where you left off. Hang in there and be inspired. :)