This week Kristen at We Are THAT Family designated WFMW as Backwards. Meaning that we pose a dilemma, and our dear readers (hopefully) give us helpful suggestions. Be sure to stop by and glean the wisdom of others.
The first thing that popped into my head was the toothpaste situation in the kids’ bathroom. So if that’s my biggest dilemma, I’ve got it pretty good. Nevertheless, it’s a pet peeve of mine.
I would imagine that most of you moms can see where this is going. I ran upstairs to take these photos, and actually this is not the worst ever. I even staged the toothpaste tubes, but that’s because I’m the one who put the caps on earlier. Somehow, my three children, ages 11, 8, and 6 cannot brush their teeth without leaving globs of toothpaste everywhere.
On the counter, in the sink, usually big globs hanging out of the tube and drying to a sticky, gelatinous mess. It’s even showed up on the mirror and floor.
I’ve tried the toothpaste with a flip-cap, and the ones in a pump. Makes no difference. Aside from telling them to clean up after themselves, I’m just wondering if there are any little secrets out there that I don’t know. Magic toothpaste that dispenses just the right pea-sized amount and lands on the toothbrush every time. Or something.
Okay, so this is pretty lame, but you never know what tricks other people might have up their sleeve. Help a girl out!
That is *hilarious*!! I posted the same problem! I'll totally keep you in the loop if I get some good suggestions. LOL
This is really funny. Unfortunately I have 4 boys and suffer the same problems! I will check back and hopefully someone will have a good suggestion for us!!!
Funny, I see 2 others already took my comment. I will check back to see if you got any tips. :) My kids are 11 and almost 13. We are still dealing with it, on top of the globs of hand soap that are also left in the sink.
Good luck!
okay you had me at staging the toothpaste and gelatinous mess i couldn't help but laugh, sorry no advice but hopefully someone out there does.
I started making my boys clean their own bathroom, and that did make a difference. The globs didn't disappear altogether, but they are much smaller and there are less of them! Turns out kids aren't all that fond of scrubbing hardened toothpaste out of the sink either!
That's nothing compared to what my teenagers (13, 16, 19) can produce.
I have the same problem a lot of times. The only thing that has helped some is having some baby wipes in the bathroom cabinet and just having to nag my 8 year old to clean up. One of these days maybe she will clean without me telling her!
With 9 kiddos brushing their teeth in the bathroom we used to have this problem. Until I became the tooth brushing Nazi.
1. One child has control and responsibility for the tube of toothpaste. They must put paste on all the brushes and then put the tube away where little ones can't eat it.
This helps with the problem of too much paste on a little ones brush and messy tubes without the caps back on. If there is a problem with the tube, I know who to blame. :)
2. One child has the responsibility to wipe up the sink and counter area after everyone has brushed their teeth.
I figured the mees may get made, but with those two steps it gets cleaned up immediately.
Hope that helps.
Girl .. I have the same problem and NO kiddos to blame .. just a husband.
Hmm.. wish I had the answer- All I know is when we were little we didn't dare leave ANY remnant of toothpaste anywhere because we knew it would mean having to clean the entire bathroom that weekend. :)
I have this same problem...only it is huge globs of pink princess toothpaste.
We had this problem too. I also started making my kids responsible for their own bathroom. I also purchased cheap versions of clorox/lysol wipes and keep a canister in their bathroom. My son loves these and is always excited to grab one and wipe down the sink. Don't ask me why...but it works for me. :) Good luck! Maybe try a post it note or a cutsie sign with a reminder to clean up after yourself.
The only thing that has worked for me so far w/ two boys, is having a together time, when we brush our teeth together. I make sure they put everything away and rinse out the sink. The idea was to "train" them to do it without them even thinking about it.
I have the same problem- no solution other than vigilent upkeep. I buy flip top- have to rinse them off with the tub faucet often to rinse off caked on oversqueeze, and I am constantly, CONSTANTLY wiping out the sink. >sigh<
Magic toothpaste that dispenses just the right pea-sized amount and lands on the toothbrush every time.
Yes, and she's called Mom.
We do like Kimberly. Mom (or Dad) dispenses the toothpaste. (This way I also know who isn't brushing their teeth!)
We also have wiping out the bathroom sink on our rotating chore chart. I was HOPING that having to clean up the mess would inspire the kids to do better, but that hasn't happened. But at least someone else is wiping up.
My kids get it on the floor, mirror, AND side of the cabinet!
Ok, so I don't have this problem yet (still brushing for my 2-year old). But this:
"Magic toothpaste that dispenses just the right pea-sized amount and lands on the toothbrush every time."
rang a bell. I seriously saw a commercial for a product that does that the other day. So I googled it and here ya go:
Lol. Good luck!
the previous commentor got it, but I found one that is much cheaper. I have seen the commercial for this and my kids said that they NEED it. Funny stuff. I simply give my sink a swipe with the washcloth I used to wash my face--right after they get on the bus. Before the ick can dry.
I know this sounds obvious, but teach the kids to clean out the sink after each use. I had 3 kids using the same sink and I trained them to leave the area clean and dry for the person coming after them. This is just common courtesy and they can learn it. I just kept a folded hand towel nearby and everyone dried off their area and made certain that the toothpaste was swooshed out of the sink with water and fingers (no wipes needed)after their use. I washed a few hand towels, but the training has paid off!
This is cracking me up because we have the same problem. We just painted their bathroom and updated it a little and I swear if they get toothpaste globs all over I'm gonna kill them!!!! I have no advice for you but I am hoping that one of your commenters does. I like the idea of making them clean it up...maybe I'll have to try that. Good Luck!!!!
I would say leave it there until they get home from school & then make them clean it up. If it's messy again the next day, make the other child clean it up. Then have them clean it in the morning, so they can tell the difference in cleaning ease.
Baby wipes for easy cleaning is very good idea!
Plus maybe show them to ooze the paste into the bristles so it doesn't fall off. Life is not as easy as the commercial shows ;)
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