Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thrift Store Thursday—8/20

I apologize for the quality of my photos…I often forget to take pictures during the day when I can use the natural light, and end up having to use the flash. That’s not flattering for anybody (or anything)!

So, just a few little things this week:


The candle holder was about 70 cents (it appears warped in this photo, but isn't really), the cute little birds were 85 cents each, and the dominoes were 90 cents (I already had the jar). They all came from United Volunteers.

This isn’t thrift store, but I wanted to alert you to these birdie tea light holders that I found at Dollar Tree this week.


Also, I am in no way ready for fall, but fall decor is out now. Remembering last year, when I couldn’t find the little ceramic pumpkins that everybody had, I went ahead and picked them up when I saw them. The left and middle ones are from Dollar Tree, and the one on the right is from Walgreens (99 cents). Get 'em while you can.


I hope you will forgive my partial detour from thrift stores in the strictest sense, but dollar store fare isn’t too far afield, I guess.

I’m trying MckLinky this week; hopefully he’ll be more cooperative than the other one. Please join the party and show us your thrifty finds.

1. Please link directly to your Thrift Store Thursday post, not your home page.

2. Please mention and link back to my Thrift Store Thursday post.

3. Please put my button in your post, and I'd really love it if you'd use the code to do so :)


1 mommynoodles said...

Love your goodies!! Natalie,

2 Lucy Marie said...

Love it all. Especially the pumpkins and the candle holder. I'll have to head to the dollar store to see if I can find any nice new fall decor. I can't wait to bring out all my decorations. I will wait until September.

3 Unknown said...

What a fun post.Dollars stores are just as fun too!I find some pretty cool things at dollar store.They are cheaper then some garage sales or thrift stores.Hey why not go.Cute fall things.I am excited about decorating for it.Fun Finds 2 U..Chickie from Have a great day!!

4 Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I saw those birds at Dollar Tree the other day. I didn't buy any though. I already had some of the pumpkins from last year. I did buy some mini pumpkins and gourds to fill up my jars with though. :)

5 Denise Marie said...

awesome post, love all your finds. I wish I could get a coupon for one of my stores. I need to start asking questions about it. Nice to finally join your Thurs.

6 The Whispering Creek House said...

I saw these cute birds at the dollar tree and put them back..why u ask? cuz im cheap cheap..and i would kick my own but if i could reach it! So i will probably go get some anyway..and the pumpkins i didn't see so gotta check that out too..i have a harvest party every fall in my barn you will have to come check it out! it is soo much fun!i just blogged about these cool cabins my kids are gonna stay at during youth group and the pillows i made are for the camp too...hope ya stop by.. would love to have ya! I love the header you have used and it snagged me along time ago so i have been visiting your blog when i get a chance! love it!

7 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Great tip on The Dollar Tree! :) I love the birds and pumpkins. Cute!

8 Melinda said...

Dollar Trees are my favorite-right up there with thrift and antique stores. Cute Stuff!!!


9 Beth said...

I love those pumpkins! I'm on my way to the Dollar Tree right now to see if I can find some and a set of dominos...those are so cute in a jar! I'm collecting things to put in a black and white dining room and this is perfect.

10 Xazmin said...

I love these finds! Love the dominos in a jar idea!

I am soooo ready for fall, and so over summer!

I'm lovin' your blog and am following now!