Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top of the Muffin to You!

I’m working on a little project this morning that is taking longer than I originally thought it would (doesn’t it always?).

So for now I’ll just leave you with a Seinfeld clip that Craig and I watched this morning.  He has a new iphone, and the first thing he does in the morning, before we even get out of bed, is to grab it to “check the weather”.   Not sure how we got from the weather to Seinfeld, but I think we laughed harder than when we saw it the first time!  It’s good to start the day with a laugh!


Rustown Mom said...

Funny. I never saw that episode! Can't wait to see what you are working on!

laughwithusblog said...

Eewww! I've never watched Seinfeld before! :)

Kari said...

That was fun to see.....My husband and I had a happy laugh for the day. Thanks. :)

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I just happened to see this episode yesterday and thought it was pretty funny. They couldn't give those stumps away! :)