I now host a Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs, Restoration Hardware Knock-Off Party every last Thursday of the month. See this post for more details. I hope you will join me!
It’s time to par-tay!! Those of you with Pottery Barn taste but a thrift store budget are invited to link up with your handmade Pottery Barn knock-offs. Use an old post if you have to, but I know there’s a lot of you out there who, like me, use the PB catalog as a source of inspiration rather than a shopping guide.
My project for today was inspired by a trip to the actual store, but I couldn’t find it in the catalog or online. Fortunately, I had my camera with me (is that allowed? I wasn’t really sure, so I used it surreptitiously).
These moss topiaries were all over the store, both round and cone shaped.
They had a burlap-and-twine wrapped base. I didn’t look at the price, since at the time I didn’t know this would be my project, but I’m guessing they were more than the $2-$3 I spent.
First stop: Dollar Tree, where I picked up floral foam blocks and a couple of packages of moss. DT only sells teeny-tiny foam balls, and a big one even at Walmart is nearly $3, so I had to shape these myself, because I’m so
cheap frugal.
After cutting of the corners and edges with a knife, I used a file to shape.
I originally thought I would just coat the foam with ModPodge and roll it in the moss, but that didn’t work very well at all. I ended up using spray adhesive to pack the moss on.
Then I had Craig cut some chunks of wood for me and drill a hole in them. Because I’m such a procrastinator, he did it last night while he really wanted to be watching “24”, and it was getting late and I needed to get this post up, so I only got two finished.
After adding a twig from the back yard, and wrapping the base in burlap, I was finished, and now I have a little touch of nature for my home.
Now, I’m dying to see what fabulousness you came up with!
1. Enter the link to your specific PB Knock-off post, not your blog homepage.
2. Please use my button in your post (code is on my top right sidebar). If you use the code, the button will link back to my blog; if you don’t use the code, you will also need to include a link back to me.
3. Please visit the other party participants and leave them a comment.
4. Please put your link in the comments section as well, just in case.
(I'm also going to link up with
DIY Day at Kimba's)