Friday, February 19, 2010

Confessions of a Lazy Mom and Housewife

Today, I’m going to show you some raw reality at my house.  Sometimes, I let things slide.  Sometimes, I’m just plain lazy.  Prepare yourself…it’s not pretty.

I still have Christmas ornaments on my kitchen counter, because I forgot them when we were packing up the Christmas stuff, and now the boxes are somewhere in the basement, and I don’t want to go dig them out.


These locker bins at the bottom of the stairs are supposed to corral the kids’ things that I pick up during the day, and they are supposed to put it all away each night.  In reality, this is how it looks much of the time because they don’t do it, and I don’t make them.


On the other side of the same table is kind of a dumping pad for things that need to go down to the basement.  In reality, things can sit here for weeks before someone actually takes them down.  I don’t take it down because the basement is so messy, I avoid it at all costs.  Which also partially explains the Christmas ornaments on the counter.


On the top of the entertainment center is a collection of mostly thing the dogs have been chewing on.  Craig sets them up there when he takes them away from the dogs.  I cannot break him of this habit, and I do not take them down, because I can’t reach it and would have to get a stepstool or something, and besides, he put them there, right?


I have one sad houseplant that only gets watered when it’s mostly dead, like this.  It’s a hardy plant, because it has survived this treatment for a year.  If I were to cut off the dead leaves and water it, it would perk right up and fill out again.  I’ll get around to it, one of these days.  Maybe.


When I sent my kids out to catch the bus this morning, it was 29 degrees, and there’s snow in today’s forecast.  They were wearing a jean jacket and an unzipped sweatshirt.  This happens pretty much every morning; they tell me they aren’t cold, I make a half-hearted attempt to get them to put on their winter coats, and they go out like this anyway.  I can just imagine what the school thinks of me.

(I read a book once that touted natural consequences, the implication being if you let them go without a coat once, they would decide not to do it again because they’d be too cold.  It didn’t work.)


So, what do you think of me now?

Melissa alerted me to Fess Up Friday, so I’m going to join!fess-up-friday-final-button1-300x274


1 Melissa said...

I'm with you on most of those things! And I agree about "natural consequences" not working as a way to get kids to wear their winter coats. I'll be freezing, but my son is happy to wear a light jacket!

This post would be perfect to link up to Fess Up Friday, if you're interested. I have a post that links up, or you can go directly to the host blog:

2 Frugal Home Designs said...

I still have Christmas ornaments on top of my cabinets because I don't want to have to jump up on the counter, get them down, and then take them to the basement. Thanks for sharing--it makes me feel right at home :)

3 the thrifty ba said...

i think you and i would be best friends...
you do NOT want to see my steps where i put things for my kids to bring to their room. they never do and i forget to remind them.
until i am frantically cleaning for company!

4 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I just love you. I ought to post a picture of my Kitchen sidebar. Except you can't tell it's a sidebar b/c of all the crap piled on top of it. It's bad. I LOVE it when other bloggers are honest and share little foibles like this. I think you're fantastic. :)

5 Mommy2aQT said...

It's like reading a page out of my own journal. We all want to be super mom and have a clean house every day of the year, but that is just not reality. These are the little things I think are "okay" to let slide.

6 Mommy2aQT said...

PS- LOVE the dump bin idea for the kids! I always seem to be picking things up for my daughter and putting them away for her. At least this way I can get the items off the floor and out of the way and it is still her job to put them where they are supposed to go.

Anonymous said...

Keeping it real is a GOOD thing! I still have snowflakes on my door blind and LOADS of clutter everywhere! You are not alone!

8 Sheri said...

I think you are normal and I like it! I love the honesty. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think we could be long-lost relatives. ;)

10 Carrie said...

Thanks for making me feel normal... that doesn't happen often!

11 Kristie said...

Lol! My boys are the same way! It's freezing outside and they are always telling me that their not cold!!! I have few Christmas items laying around that were over looked too, and piles of things that I intended to put away.... Sigh ~ nice to know I am not alone! :)

Anonymous said...

I think you are AWESOME! (and just like me!)

And if it makes you feel any daughter has been wearing short sleeves to school b/c she says she gets hot in the classroom. I can only imagine what her teachers think about THAT! (I do make her wear her coat to/from school, at least)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love that you're keeping it real! I see so many picture perfect blogs, and seemingly perfect organized moms, and it can bring you down when you compare to others. Reading this makes me feel better that there are days, or weeks, when things are like this and it's real life and okay. I guess I'm a little lazy, or a procrastinator, but I still have Christmas cds and picture-frame ornaments in my dining room that need to be filled and put away. Maybe today... I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for keeping it real!

14 1 Funky Woman said...

I love you more because I live the same way. I have big X-mas balls hanging in the window because I am too lazy to get the big ladder out. I throw everything that needs to go downstairs on the steps so I don't have to go down there and no one seems to care and help! So its so good to know you are a real person!

15 Missy said...

What do I think of you now? I think your fabulous! And REAL! I have Christmas decorations scattered around too, and the mass of it is sitting in the dining room waiting to be carried to the basement. There are crumbs on the counter(and floor, and table) and there are dirty socks on the living room floor. The dishes are not done because, quite frankly, I have more fun things to do than that. I feel dust and cobwebs help insulate a house...right? Have a great weekend!

Missy of JunkFest

16 Molly said...

It is so refreshing to see those things!! I get so frustrated with myself that my house is not always "company ready" or even "blog picture ready." You just took some weight off my shoulders. As far as the kids and the coats thing...the school is probably saying bad things about you (I am a teacher), but they are a little out of touch sometimes and forget what it is really like to be a parent. I, too, send my kids in short sleeves and a light jacket sometimes. I'm thinking "they are going from the car/bus to the school" on cold days like that they don't even go outside for recess!! You are just fine my dear!!

17 Miss Obara said...

Can I laugh? not at you, but with you...i have ornaments out still too, our locker/cubby area a disaster, the pile-up on the stairs and the kid thing...omg I can totally relate!
I think you're great!

18 Sandy said...

LOL! Tooo funny! I love the fact that you shared that you aren't perfect! Thank you for showing the rest of us that we are not alone! I love your blog and you are so talented and creative!

19 Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Well! I can't even believe this! I am so disappointed. hehe Just kidding. Really? Did I write this post? Because it sounds a lot like my house. I was going to say that I don't have any Christmas stuff out but I do have a box of my "winter" decorations sitting on the bench in the kitchen to go down to the basement. I keep leaving it there because I keep telling myself I'm going to go buy a Rubbermaid container. Have I bought a container? No. And you don't EVEN want to see our stairs and the landing. Could be classified as a disaster area. Oh well. Such is life. :)

Anonymous said...

I love this! I still have snow crystals and balls in my jars - I was going to fill them with conversation hearts for Valentine's Day and just didn't. I even bought the hearts. Pooh. I have a lot of houseplants but it truly is survival of the fittest. They are a hardy bunch ~ when they start drooping I remember to water. I think you should have a linky party on "true decorating confessions" or something ~ I'd love it! L in Alaska

Anonymous said...

Oh, I guess I should have read a little further - I didn't see the "Fess Up Friday" button! Geesh. Sorry. L.

22 Cas said...

I think your normal...I did not get all my christmas stuff put up till Feb 1st. Don't worry about happens that way!

23 Symone's Mommy said...

OMG, thanks for validating that I'm human! Now I know it's not just me! :)

24 FrouFrouBritches said...

Gosh, I just love ya! It's so good to know I'm not the only one with crap piled up...well, mine is EVERYWHERE! My room look like a tornado hit it. My hall tree is covered with at least 14 jackets, coats and hoodies and the "cart" my husband bought me for extra counter space is littered with paperwork from school, therapists, junk mail, change, dog treats, etc.

The poor dishNetwork guy just came in and I was hiding the underwear I was folding on the loveseat (my loveseat ALWAYS has laundry on it!). I'll probably find someone's drawers (undies) in the cushions next time we have company! HA! Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time. OK. Maybe I'm fessing up too much there. Oh well!

25 adsgram said...

SIS>>>>I think we must have ben seperated at birth! Mom says HI!!!! LOL!


26 Carrie said...

Oh, thank God...I'm normal! Thanks for sharing!

27 Liza said...

I had to de-lurk just to comment on this one! My girls insist on going out in the Winter in little sweatshirt jackets too. Well one day my 5 yr old's teacher called me and said that if we were too poor to buy her a decent jacket, she would get her one. I was MORTIFIED to say the least and the kids have worn decent jackets ever since! LOL - I am SO glad to see I am not the only one dealing with this though!!

28 Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

Ummmm, I think you may be my long lost twin! Seriously, I could have written that post. Locker bins full of things I don't make my kids put away. Christmas ornaments still out. Things that need to go to the garage (we don't have a basement) but I might break my neck if I attempt it. However, you are a better mom than I am. It was 30° when we left for school this morning and my boys were wearing shorts!

29 Kendra at New Life On A Homestead said...

LOL... I can beat that. I still have my Christmas tree up!!! Ha ha. That's so funny! Thanks for sharing :) Love it!

30 Cindy said...

You sound like a N.O.R.M.A.L. mother. And you are probably a good housekeeper, too, but who can keep up with everything all of the time? Don't feel bad, you are normal.
Hugs, Cindy S.

31 vintage mum said...

So nice to hear some reality, as a new blogger I was a bit worried about the dust on my kitchen dresser thought everyone was perfect out there :)

32 Amy said...

I love that you are so real! takes real courage! & my kids seem to refuse wearing winter coats as well, I don't get it? I would freeze in only a sweatshirt! I must be getting old.

33 Sweet Tea said...

Thank you for the "feel good" post - seeing your lagging behind makes me "feel good", Sister.

34 Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're normal, cuz if your house didn't look like that, I'd start to worry! ;)


35 Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Oh my goodness! My house looked exactly the same way on Thursday morning, actually mine looked much, much messier. It would look the same or worse now except that my parents were coming to babysit the kids while my hubby and I went to his grandfathers funeral today. Nothing gets my butt in gear like the threat of my mom seeing my mess! Good to know I'm not the only one who can't keep the house spotless and care for the kiddos at the same time.

36 Sandy said...

What do I think of you now? I think we have a lot in common!

37 Sugar Bear said...

What do I think of you now? I think you're me! ;o)
I got frustrated this morning because I couldn't get a good picture of the dust that was on the entertainment center. I got frustrated that the picture didn't show the dust well enough to post it on a blog....that's just sick right? Like, I must be crazy...I spent more time trying to take the picture then it would have taken me to clean the dust off.

38 maryann said...

Heehehehe! I still love you, Holly! I recently found your blog and was immediately smitten. I made myself read the whole thing, and I'm glad I did, because it was great fun to get to know you and your family a little bit. There's something about the way you share that made me miss you when I waited too long to read your blog. :) Thank you for being so open, candid, real and authentic, and for showing all of us that there is a way to decorate our houses inexpensively and beautifully!

39 Xazmin said...

I think I love you even more! I too have some Christmas stuff that didn't get packed up so it's still visible...we also have a dumping ground at the top of our stairs for stuff that needs to go down, but it is such a huge mess down there, the top of our fridge is the catch all for things we want to put out of reach - it is a disaster up there. And also...I HATED wearing a coat when I was a kid and never wore one, and I live in it gets cold! And I also had to stand outside at the bus stop. I even wore shorts in the winter too!

40 Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

I love it! lol. I love seeing REAL life, that Im not the only one whose house looks like that! I had to laugh at him hiding stuff from the dog, my husband takes things from the kids and sticks them on top of the fridge. It drives me crazy!

41 The Mom of 'em said...

I LOVE you now! You're one of us! Thanks for "keepin it real."

42 Roeshel said...

haha! I still love you and I'm constantly reminding my husband that the pile next to the basement steps GOES to the basement, don't walk right past it empty handed. lol

I'm so glad you stopped by to see me - I haven't been over to see you in such a long time. I have a lot of catching up to do! So many fun blogs, so little time. And no - I had no idea about my flower pots...I'll have to keep my eyes open to see where it is. Thanks for the heads up! :)


43 Keetha Broyles said...

Oooooo I LOVE raw reality!!!

Once upon a time not tooo tooo long ago, I left ALL my Christmas decor piled up on the dining room table UNTIL JUNE simply because I couldn't face packing it all up.

In June, I strongly considered keeping it on the table until I needed it in early December to decorate again.

BUT - - - I bravely fought off that temptation and HIRED one of my students to come over and help me pack it away.

I kid not.

BTW - - - I noticed on my stat page for sitemeter that my blog had quite a few (ten maybe) hits from your blog. I was a bit puzzled - - - I didn't link to your party, have I left a comment over here before? Just curious how I was "found" from your blog.

NOT that I mind, mind you - - - we bloggers LIKE to be found by other bloggers, so let me take this opportunity to say TYVM!!!!

44 Sono-Ma: Holly White-Wolfe said...

If this makes you a bad mom - I wouldn't want to know what it makes me! I used to be a "serial decorator" and love to have everything in my life neat and tidy and tied up with a little bow to match.

As a mom, I have to make choices now. Have some down time for myself? Take at least an hour to sit with my little boy and play "tracks"? Take a walk and suck in some fresh almost spring air? Or tackle the four loads of laundry calling my name?

I never feel like anything is "all done" but I do find some enjoyment in life. Isn't that worth the mess?

45 QuiteContrary Mary said...

As I've gotten older (not that I am old), I have realized it's the imperfections that make us real and letting people see those imperfections isn't showing them our weakness it making friendships and bonds stronger. Besides, the red and silver ornaments work for Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

What do we think of you now??????? :-)
We all think you are human, a busy mom and just like the rest of us, LOL!!! I have those same piles in my house, just different articles since I don't have small children!!1 :-0
Still love your blog and projects!

47 Stacey said...

You need to join our lazy mom community!

Anonymous said...

This made my day. I have all of that going on except the coats and ornaments. My kids are still small enough I get to make them wear whatever I want. As for the ornaments, my family has always had a Christmas un-decorating party on January 2. Well I guess I did forget the magnets :)