Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pottery Barn Knock-Off Party!!

I now host a Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs, Restoration Hardware Knock-Off  Party every last Thursday of the month.  See this post for more details.  I hope you will join me!

It’s time to par-tay!! Those of you with Pottery Barn taste but a thrift store budget are invited to link up with your handmade Pottery Barn knock-offs. Use an old post if you have to, but I know there’s a lot of you out there who, like me, use the PB catalog as a source of inspiration rather than a shopping guide.

My project for today was inspired by a trip to the actual store, but I couldn’t find it in the catalog or online. Fortunately, I had my camera with me (is that allowed? I wasn’t really sure, so I used it surreptitiously).
These moss topiaries were all over the store, both round and cone shaped.


They had a burlap-and-twine wrapped base. I didn’t look at the price, since at the time I didn’t know this would be my project, but I’m guessing they were more than the $2-$3 I spent.


First stop: Dollar Tree, where I picked up floral foam blocks and a couple of packages of moss. DT only sells teeny-tiny foam balls, and a big one even at Walmart is nearly $3, so I had to shape these myself, because I’m so cheap frugal.


After cutting of the corners and edges with a knife, I used a file to shape.


I originally thought I would just coat the foam with ModPodge and roll it in the moss, but that didn’t work very well at all. I ended up using spray adhesive to pack the moss on.


Then I had Craig cut some chunks of wood for me and drill a hole in them. Because I’m such a procrastinator, he did it last night while he really wanted to be watching “24”, and it was getting late and I needed to get this post up, so I only got two finished.


After adding a twig from the back yard, and wrapping the base in burlap, I was finished, and now I have a little touch of nature for my home.


Now, I’m dying to see what fabulousness you came up with!
1. Enter the link to your specific PB Knock-off post, not your blog homepage.
2. Please use my button in your post (code is on my top right sidebar). If you use the code, the button will link back to my blog; if you don’t use the code, you will also need to include a link back to me.
3. Please visit the other party participants and leave them a comment.
4. Please put your link in the comments section as well, just in case.
(I'm also going to link up with DIY Day at Kimba's)


1 Jennifer @ MillerMusings said...

I'm so happy you posted this!! I've been reading your blog for a while, and have never posted, but I've been eying those topiaries at our PB for a while, but didn't want to pay the I think $29 each for them! Thanks for a good inexpensive alternative for them! :)

2 Mom in High Heels said...

I don't have any PB knock offs to share, but I can't wait to see every one else's!

3 Little Lizard King said...

When does the McLinky open? I'm ready to go!

4 Angie Holden said...

Me too!! (Not so patiently) waiting on McLinky.... :)

5 Anna said...

I have an old post I will link up. I'll check back tonight after work.

6 KimMalk said...

Your topiaries are wonderful and inspiring, I think I will add some to my spring decor.
Yes, do open your McKLinky, I can't wait!

7 Holly said...

So sorry, guys, I got my dates/times mixed up on the Mcklinky form! Please come back and add your link :)

8 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Eek! Holly, your topiaries look just as good as the PB ones!! Now I feel like I need to drive down to Richmond and check out what PB has going on so I can copy some more stuff. ;)

Thanks for hosting! We have somewhere to be this morning, so I will do my visiting this afternoon/this evening. Excited to see the other links. :) Here's mine:

9 Angie Holden said...

Linked up Holly! :)

10 Unknown said...

Very nice! My sister and I tried making moss balls with glue and it did not work. I may have to try again with spray adhesive! Thanks. ;)

11 The Bearded Lady (Laura) said...

Hi Holly! I found you through TCB. I love your linky party!!! I am very glad to be able to participate today.

You project turned out wonderfully!!

12 Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Hi Holly! Thanks for hosting- this was such a fun idea.
Your topiaries look awesome- I'm totally going to copy your copy! I love that they look so pretty and natural but you don't have to water them!

Here's the link to my post:

13 The Cottage Girl said...

Love the topiary idea, but can think of a faster and cheaper way to make the base. CANS. Yes, perhaps a tuna can, or maybe one of those mandarin orange cans filled with plaster and the stick put in before it dries.

14 Xazmin said...

FABULOUS! I was so wanting to link up to this party! Alas...I didn't get my butt in gear and get anything finished...will you be doing this party again?

15 Daisygirl said...

Love them! HI I am stopping by from over at Confessions of a working mom's blog and so had to see what you were up too!
I am now following your blog too!

16 Unknown said...

I love the topiaries! I might need to make some of those to bring a little Springtime to my house. I think I might have just the perfect place for them!

I added my McLinky, but here's the direct link just in case: http://frauleinh.blogspot.com/2010/01/my-pottery-barn-inspired-burlap.html
I'm off to check out the other participants!

17 Christina said...

Love this Holly. They look fabulous displayed against the background of plates.

Fabulous party. I'm really enjoying going around and visiting everyone.

18 Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Just wanted to let you know I just added an update to my post!

19 Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Holly, thanks for hosting this par-tay! I'm having a great time reading the comments your wonderful readers have left on my blogs, and on each others' pages. Can't wait for your next virtual shindig!

Confessions From A Working Mom

20 KimMalk said...

This is my 2nd comment for the day. I just want to let you know what nice followers you have, (you probably already knew that, though!) I received visits and gracious "Homebody" comments.

21 Amber said...

This is a great party!! I am loving all the ideas - now just to have time to do some crafting. Well, I guess I would have time if I wasn't blogging :)

22 FrouFrouBritches said...

LOVE IT! They turned out so cute. If I only learn one thing today, it's that I must hit our dollar store more. Y'all must have cornered the market on good useful stuff at the dollar store. Ours just has really weird generic food and hair nets and stuff. I'm thinking the really good creative people like you are getting there before me and getting all of the good stuff. Ya must have to get there when theyu open the doors. I might try that next week. AND, DUH! I've never thought of shaping the oasis stuff to whatever you want. I also saw the $3 styrofoam balls at Wal-Mart and passed. BRILLIANT!

Thanks for the party. I'm having a great time. Next time I should bring hostess gift, maybe a bundt cake or something.

23 Sandy said...

Really enjoyed the Pottery Barn Knockoff party!! Tons of good ideas! Thanks so much!! Hope you'll do this again sometime!!

24 Barbie said...

I have been eyeing these topiaries at PB for awhile now. Hmmmm.... thinking your way makes much for sense! I just might have to give it a try. Thanks!

25 Anna said...

I was a little late to the party, I added my link last night
I will check out all the other links today.

26 Vanessa said...

Those looks awesome!! I love the shape you came up with. The styrofoam cones you buy are too "perfect."

27 Kim said...

Love the party. I missed it unfortunately but posted my own PB knock off on my blog!!! Would love some feedback!!

28 Amber said...

This is such a great idea!! So glad I stumbled across it. Thanks.
The Mom Road

29 Emily {Frilly Details} said...

Those are great!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

30 Kendall@ Finesse Your Nest said...

Awww! Can't believe I missed this party! I have so many PB knockoffs! I hope you'll do another one soon!!!

31 Nouveau Stitch said...

Another latecomer to the party but here's the link just in case .....

All Keyed Up


32 Petula said...

Wow, that's a great idea. I never thought to try and recreate something that was too expensive in a store. Fabulous.

33 a little bit of everything said...

Those are adorable! What a great job you did! I am enjoying your blog and have become a follower. I invite you to do the same...

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic! Love your writing too. I need to take my camera with me as well, what a great idea. There's a leafy double topiary in PB that I'd really like to try but I'll have to take a shot incognito since it's not in the catalog.

35 PBLookalikes said...

What a great idea! I "collect" Pottery Barn look-alikes on my blog. I would love for any of your participants or readers to make submissions! I would also like to make a feature of this site. Hop on over to:

36 Pbchitchat said...

I have been following for a little while now and have to say I love your blog. Its so inspirational. Me and my sister have used a number of ideas from your site :).If you get a chance check out Pbchitchat blog Its a blog and forum I created it to bring savy decorators and those of us looking for inspiration together and discuss all things Home decor you can also buy and sell Pb items and Pb knockoffs cheaper then buying on eaby or amazon or advertise your esty store. www.pbchitchat.blogspot.com or pbchitchat.com