Thursday, February 11, 2010

Take a Little Trip With Me

Have I mentioned that I’m sick of winter?   Yeah, well it’s still winter, and I’m still sick of it.

Let’s take a dreamy little trip to the beach.  In Michigan.  Yes, Michigan!  (Ha ha, I’m probably the only one that will get it, but that was a Michigan tourism slogan several years ago!)  Every couple of years we’ve been making the summer trip to our favorite fresh water beaches near New Buffalo, Michigan.

pics 010 2006

Last year about this time I did a post about a house that was for sale in New Buffalo.  I decided to browse the real estate listings again for a good one to show you.  It’s hard to beat last year’s house, but this one has it’s own charm.

This one is in Union Pier, MI, just up the road from New Buffalo.  It’s listed at $2,350,000.  Aw, come on, that’s only $10,000 a month, as long as you have a $470,000 down payment (20%)! 

The listing says it was built in 1950, but the exterior kind of has a 1920 vibe to me.



I love all the rounded-top windows, and I’ve always wanted a rounded entry door (I don’t think this is the main entry though; it appears to step down into a bedroom).


It has nice open space.


The kitchen is updated.

up6 Look at those rounded french doors!


Okay, I’m just crazy about these doors and windows!  Even the bookshelf echoes the shape.  And look at the sunlight on the wall through the doorway!


The hearth room has a wall of french doors which open to…

up8 …this amazing deck overlooking the lake (look at the tree coming up right through the deck).  From here you step down to…


…this cabana!

up11 Keep on walking, right down to your own beach.



Looking from the beach back up to the house.  Fabulous! 

There are a lot more photos of this place in the listing, but don’t get any crazy ideas.  I wouldn’t want to get in to a bidding war with you!


1 Paula@SweetPea said...

That's some house! A taste of summer is just what we need right now with all of the snow and freezing cold temperatures that we've had.

2 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Wanna go halfsies? ;) Love love love the deck and the view. I'm not a huge fan of the light oak in the Kitchen, but the rest of the house is lovely!

3 Pam said...

Gorgeous home! Michigan is sooo expensive, though. I grew up on Lake Erie on the exact opposite side of the state. All my family is still there. The prices on houses has dropped a lot lateley, though, due to the economy. If you hold out for a while you might be able to snatch this looker up for a flat 2 million! Hee Hee!

4 FrouFrouBritches said...

I LOVE rounded doors. The house we had when I was three or so had a rounded top front door and I just loved it.

Love that wall of french doors out to the deck overlooking the lake. HEAVEN!

5 Copycat Creator said...
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6 Copycat Creator said...

That is B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L !!! Ohhh...If I only had 3 million dollars! ha! : )

7 Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Thanks for the trip - those doors are to die for!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just write them a check??????????? :-)
that is a very pretty house; too bad it's WAY out of my league!