Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Blog Rocks!



My bloggy friend Amanda is hosting this party so that those of us who can’t make Blissdom this weekend can have our own fun.  To tell you the truth, this is a little uncomfortable for me.  I don’t like to toot my own horn.  But sometimes having fun requires stretching yourself a little, right?  So here we go…

1.  I’m all about saving money.

When I claim to be frugal, I mean it!  I do not mean that I shop at Homegoods instead of Dillards (although I do sometimes shop at Homegoods!)  I mean I unashamedly shop the thrift stores first, and sometimes wait months until I find just what I’m looking for at a ridiculously low price.  When I say cheap, I mean $2, not $50.  Well, depending what it is.

2.  I show you how to save money, too.

From tips for shopping craigslist, to an entire series on making gifts from thrift store components, to telling you how to refill your “non-refillable”  Swiffer WetJet solution bottle, I share my money-saving strategies.

3.  I have an entertaining, lighthearted, and occasionally humorous writing style.  I think.  Maybe.  I hope.

That’s all I have to say about that.

4.  I post regularly (3-5 x/wk) and have pretty good variety, while keeping to a home-based theme.

Thrift, decorating, house-keeping, family, recipes….there’s a little bit of everything.

5.  I host some fun parties to let my readers show off their stuff.

Thrift Store Thursday, Thrifty Gifty, and coming soon, the PB Knock-off Party!  I hope you’ll come back and link up with your self-made Pottery Barn knock-offs!



I’m going to add one more: It doesn’t cost you $299 entrance fee plus $125-190/night to attend my blog.  There, wasn’t that better than Blissdom?  Sorry, no Harry Connick, Jr., though.

Okay, now head on over to Serenity Now and discover some more awesome blogs!


1 BabiesandBargains said...

you had me at make my own swiffer refill!! love your blog

2 Unknown said...

Toot away, Holly. You do have a rockin' blog! I honestly appreciate your tips, ideas, etc. Thanks!


3 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I loved it, Holly!! :) You ARE funny...except about us missing Harry. ;) I am still a little sad we are missing Blissdom, but I'm having fun checking some new blogs out.

I think it is much harder to do a "themed" blog than a complete mesh of randomness like mine. You do an excellent job of posting about inexpensive ways you've found to make your home beautiful and efficient. :)

And I am so excited about your PB Knock-Off Party!! :)

Thank you so much for linking up, friend! :)

Anonymous said...

You call it tooting your horn, I call it inspirational. I LOVE your blog. You put a lot into it and believe me, your readers are grateful.

5 Patricia said...

you have an awesome blog that i have been following for quite a while now!!
i love your unconventional ways of saving and how real you are!
keep up the great work because your blog rocks!!!

6 Melissa said...

I'm visiting from Amanda's party, too. I enjoyed your list and I'm about to do two things: look for the homemade swiffer refill, and subscribe to your feed!

7 southerninspiration said...

Love it!!! And what's this about the homemade swiffer refill? Do tell.


8 Angie Holden said...

Thanks for the post and pointing me in the direction of a great party! :)

9 Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Hi! I'm stopping over from Amanda's but I've been a follower for quite a while. Your blog totally rocks! I've actually been using your swiffer suggestion for a while- I refill with solution made from my ginormous sam's club bottle of lemon pine sol. Costs less than pennies and I prefer it to swiffer's soloution!

10 cindy said...

Your blog DOES rock! Great info and pictures and a sweet gal to boot. Love my visits here!

11 Wendy (The Local Cook) said...

Wow, I'm discovering lots of fun blogs from Amanda's party! I love the PB knock off idea! Will definitely be back.

12 Paula@SweetPea said...

I'm here from Amanda's party and am happy to meet you! I'm looking forward to browsing through your blog to find some money saving tips.

13 Jen said...

Ummmm...hello! I will be lurking around for sure! (Promise I"m not a stalker...just a new faithful reader and soon to be Pottery Barn Knock Off Party participant!) Saw ya over at Amanda's!

14 Xazmin said...

Toot, toot! I'm so glad I found your blog through Amanda's party...sounds like just the place for me! I love learning from other people's expertise, then copying and making myself look brilliant!

15 Jocelyn said...

Holly, your blog really does rock! I have been so encouraged by your posts, and love your creativity. I too am a thrift store addict and love to hunt out treasures. I am heading over to Amanda's and taking a peek there too :-)


16 Richella Parham said...

I'm visiting from Amanda's party. Looks like you've really carved out a good spot here! I appreciate your forthrightness, and I just love beauty on a budget! I wish there had been resources like you when I was a young mom, really struggling to make ends meet but still wanting to make a beautiful home. Your blog does rock!

17 Lucy Marie said...

Love it! Your blog does rock :)

18 Heather said...

Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog!

19 FrouFrouBritches said...

So glad I found your blog! Glad you had a good birthday too! Can't wait 'til the PB party! WOO HOO!

20 Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I'd heard about Harry being at Blissdom... and I'd almost forgotten... thanks for reminding me!!!

Your blog is FABULOUS, and so are your tips. You make me want to start a complete home makeover, like, yesterday!

Confessions From A Working Mom

21 Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Plus - you are so dang nice!

22 Jenn said...

I missed it! the my blog rocks hop! but anyway I am cheating and reading all yer blogs anyway! Looking forward to following you around a bit! Jenn!~

23 Melissa said...

I think your blog rocks because you have awesome ideas on my kind of budget. Some people's "budget" decorating aren't really in my budget. You also have fabulous taste. Have a great weekend!

24 Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Sounds like my kind of blog! Off to browse...

Visiting from Amanda's party!