Monday, February 8, 2010


I had a busy weekend. Or maybe I just wasted too much time napping. Oh, and today ended up being a snow day for the kids, so they’re home. I can’t figure out this school district; this past Friday was sleeting and snowing all day long and they were in school. Today they are forecasting a storm starting late this evening and school was cancelled! Whatever.

Anyway, I just now got around to switching over my blogroll. Now, if you click on the Blogroll button, it will take you to a post with a list of the more popular blogs that I enjoy (still need to add the links).

The list of blogs on my sidebar I took from Amanda’s My Blog Rocks! party, plus a couple other friends. I think this will be a rotating, rather than permanent list, but I haven’t decided on a system for it yet. Please visit these blogs; I’m sure you will find some new ones to enjoy.

Starting next Monday, I’m going to begin a (probably) weekly feature highlighting various bloggers. For now, I think I’ll make the choices on my own, and I will contact you ahead of time so you can let me know if there’s anything you particularly would like to show. I need to make a button for that!

In the mean time, I hope you are getting ready for my Pottery Barn Knock-Off Party! Um, actually, I need to get started on my project!


1 FrouFrouBritches said...

Hey Holly! Thanks for adding me to your BlogRoll! I cannot wait 'til the PB Knockoff Party. I need to find a project!

I'm with ya on the inconsistent school district's decisions on closing. Last time they closed the school, it was totally clear outside, with expected precipitation. DUH!

2 BabiesandBargains said...

Thanks for linking me up!! I always have all 3 kids...thank god for half day kindergarten next year for one of my kids

3 Tricia said...

Hey there Holly!
I linked up to the reminder about your party on my Inspiration post today.
Happy Monday!
(Oh, and btw, I am so jealous that you got naptime this weekend!!!)

4 Pam @ bibbidi-bobbidi-beautiful said...

Thanks for including me in your blogroll, Holly! I'm studying the PB catalog as we speak...

5 Melissa said...

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll! You're in mine, as well.

Hope you enjoyed your snow day. We're expecting the storm tomorrow night.

6 Sugar Bear said...

Thanks for including me in your blogroll (lol, that made me think of eggroll and now I'm hungry for chinese).

I'm now a follower of yours. And I'm off to check this place out!

Have a great week.

7 Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I am impressed with your button-making skills. :) I love your new idea for a Thanks for having me on your Blog list. :)

8 Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I 100% agree with you on the school districts and snow days; my daughter isn't in school yet, but my husband is back in college for one semester for a work training program through his job, and he's been OUT of class more often than not over the past three weeks-- they cancelled classes on Saturday (which had been rescheduled from the previous Monday) even after the ice storm MISSED us!

Thanks for adding me to your blog roll-- you brought a smile to my face!

And I think I'm going to have to play along with your PB Knockoff Party... I haven't read the rules yet, but I like the title enough to join in!

Confessions From A Working Mom

9 Paula@SweetPea said...

Thanks for adding me to your blog roll. I am looking forward to your PB knockoff party. I probably won't have a project to share, but it will be fun to see what people come up with.

10 Xazmin said...

ACK I so don't wanna miss the PBKO party! I hope I get something done in time!!!

Thanks for putting my blog up! That party of Amanda's really helped me meet some new friends I'd been missing out on!

11 Angie Holden said...

Thanks so much for having me on your blog roll! I was playing catch up and reading your blog and saw ME!! :)
And I got a big reminder on the party....I think I have something pottery barnish....